Marketing consent

Marketing consent

Marketing consent

Last updated 14-05-2020

Would you like to receive news about general consumer spending and specifically about grocery consumption from KAUZA ApS (WhatIBuy) via push notifications in the app and via email? You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing at any time, either through the app or by sending an email to

Last updated 14-05-2020

Would you like to receive news about general consumer spending and specifically about grocery consumption from KAUZA ApS (WhatIBuy) via push notifications in the app and via email? You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing at any time, either through the app or by sending an email to

Last updated 14-05-2020

Would you like to receive news about general consumer spending and specifically about grocery consumption from KAUZA ApS (WhatIBuy) via push notifications in the app and via email? You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing at any time, either through the app or by sending an email to